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Marcel van Roessel

Master Distiller

Marcel is the Master Distiller of BUS Whisky. He findsthee diversity in flavors of whiskey fascinating. From light, refined and fruity aromas to robust, smoky aroma cannons. It is his passion to discover new aromas and flavors every time while distilling.

Eric van Dijk

Distiller & Farmer

Eric van Dijk is a member of dorsclub de Stofvreters who keep the agricultural heritage alive with antique machines and grow malting barley for BUS Whisky. In addition to being a whisky distiller, Eric is alsothee man in charge of quality and safety policy. His pharmaceutical background comes in handy here.

Ine Stallaart

Food designer & Liquorist

Ine has been involved with BUS Whisky from the very beginning and with her background as a food technologist and liquorist she is an expert withinthee team. Besides distilling, workshops and tastings Ine does concept development and design. Ine was previously active in Youth Food Movement

Bram Huvenaars

Masher & Distiller

After a career in the quality department of Swinkels Family Brewers in Lieshout, Bram went to work for Bus Whisky. 'Not only did I work with beer, but it's also my hobby,' Bram explains. 'Also at home I am a fanatic beer builder and I can enjoy a delicious beer of my own. Thee...

Dennis Hurkmans & Ezra Leeger

Founding Family

Dennis and Ezra started distilling whiskey from their own brewing barley in 2015 and have since gathered a team of specialists around them to further build Bus as a whiskey label.


Make work of your passion

BUS Whisky is the most sustainable whisky distillery inthee world. Will you get on our Bus? Your passion and interests are our starting point. A tailor-made job. Gettinthede most out of your work in beautiful harmony with home.

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Grain to Glass | Top of its class

Thus, nose, taste and finish are appreciated: